Posts in Stories
David + Deana

David and Deana—where to begin?! They met a number of years ago when Deana worked for Hopewell Industries before they privatized. Once that happened, she decided to go off on her own to become an independent provider. She and David have continued working together and they consider themselves family! David loves to spend time with Deana, her husband and their family. Recently, he learned how to drive the family tractor! You can clearly see how much they care for each other and how strong their bond is!

Kaden + Stephanie

Stephanie started working with Kaden just a few short months ago, but in that time they have formed such a strong bond!  She works with him a few times a week and they enjoy learning how to go to restaurants and she takes him to his appointments.  She has been working diligently with him to help him learn how to order his own food and how to pay for his food when they go out to eat.  She said that her favorite thing about working with Kaden is when they have been working diligently on something and she sees him have his “ah-ha!” moment!  She loves it when she can help him learn new skills to be as independent as he possibly can.  She can’t imagine doing anything else now that she has had this opportunity to help others.

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month Luncheon 2019

As March comes to a close, it’s so wonderful to take some time to reflect on how amazing Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month is. We have been honored to be able to host our annual coloring and essay contest with all public schools in Coshocton County, held our annual Kiwanis Track and Field Days for youth and adults, competed in Special Olympics State Championship tournaments, held our annual Staff Vs. Players game, and we had an amazing luncheon where we were able to honor so many great community leaders who make Coshocton County so amazing to live, work and thrive in.

At our DD Month Luncheon we discussed how technology can assist people who have developmental disabilities be more independent and have fuller lives. We were also able to honor 7 different people/groups who make Coshocton County so amazing.

Local Hero Award: Frank Luce, RHDD

Employer Award: Fanatics

Community Partner Award: Wilma Griffith, Family Physicians

Dedication Award: Chaz Matthews, Captial Prosthetics & Orthotics

Dedication Award: Katie Christner, Hopewell Industries

Individual Spotlight Award: Todd Walker

Individual Spotlight Award: Jalen Berry

Thank you for making Coshocton County so great!