Posts in Employed
Jamie's Custom Cutting

Jamie received his Associates Degree in Greenhouse Production & Management, but was having difficulties finding a job that matched his interests. Through the help of The Coshocton County Board of Developmental Disabilities and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, Jamie was able to start his own business doing what he loves- woodworking! Check out his video below to get his full story!

Michael - Fanatics
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Michael was unsure about leaving his Adult Day Program to pursue community employment. Through many conversations with his family and Employment Navigator, he finally decided that he would give it a try! He started working at Arby’s in 2016 and hasn’t looked back. He enjoyed working in the community so well, he decided he wanted to try working at Fanatic’s as well! He is employed full time, gets benefits and paid time off and is one of the hardest working people there! This past March Michael won an award for his determination, dedication and commitment to working hard in the community at the annual Developmental Disability Luncheon. Congratulations, Michael!